' Hack to make Blan devices have a status value
' call from a set or value changed event
Public Sub statusBlan(ByVal refID As Object)
Dim status As String = hs.DeviceString(refID)
Dim oldVal = hs.DeviceValue(refID)
If (InStr(status, "Offline") > 0) Then
hs.SetDeviceValueByRef(refID, 0, False)
ElseIf (InStr(status, "Online") > 0) Then
hs.SetDeviceValueByRef(refID, 100, False)
hs.SetDeviceValueByRef(refID, 50, False)
End If
Dim newVal = hs.DeviceValue(refID)
If Not oldVal = newVal Then
hs.WriteLog("statusBlan", "Fixed value of BLAN device " & refID & " with status of " & status & " from " & oldVal & " to " & newVal)
End If
End Sub
Public Sub fixBlan(Parms As Object)
Dim label As String = "fixBlan"
Dim lowBatVal As Double = 100 'start at 100% max for low battery value
Dim dv, dvLowBat As Scheduler.Classes.DeviceClass
Dim EN As Scheduler.Classes.clsDeviceEnumeration = hs.GetDeviceEnumerator 'Get all devices
If EN Is Nothing Then
hs.WriteLog(label, "Error getting Enumerator")
Exit Sub
End If
Do 'check each device that was enumerated
dv = EN.GetNext
If dv Is Nothing Then 'No device, so quit
hs.WriteLog(label, "No devices found")
Exit Sub
End If
'hs.WriteLog(label, "location:" & dv.Location(Nothing) & ":location2:" & dv.Location2(Nothing) & ":InStr:" & InStr(UCase(dv.Location2(Nothing)), "BLAN"))
If InStr(UCase(dv.Location2(Nothing)), "BLAN") > 0 Then 'Only work with devices in location BLAN
'hs.WriteLog(label, "ref:" & dv.ref(Nothing) & ":Address:" & dv.Address(Nothing) & ":value:" & dv.devValue(Nothing) & ":location:" & dv.Location(Nothing) & ":location2:" & dv.Location2(Nothing) & ":device name:" & dv.Name(Nothing) & ":type:" & dv.Device_Type_String(Nothing))
End If
Loop Until EN.Finished
Catch ex As Exception
hs.WriteLog("Error", "Exception in script " & label & ": " & ex.Message)
End Try
End Sub