Install toot
As root (or add sudo to commands) install Python 3.X if you have not already with
yum install python3
then run
pip3 install toot
toot login
Answer instance with your instance hostname, then get code from browser. Note I had an issue (see pic) when I tried this again for a second server which appears to be and server customization issue. Fortunately I was able to copy the config file from the first server to the second. This would indicate the info is not client host of user linked.
Once the config file is set up for the user you can test with something simple like
toot post "toot test"
Note the double quotes. See the usage docs for more complicated posts.
Toot when server starts
We need to create some files with:
vi /root/
toot post "$HOSTNAME is back up"
chmod 744 /root/
The 2>&1 | tee -a /var/log/toots.log bit is only if you want to log the toots.
vi /etc/systemd/system/toot.service
Description=Toots that the system is back up
Now enable it, try it and check it with:
systemctl enable toot.service
systemctl start toot.service
status -l toot.service
If everything is working then you should see something like this:
# systemctl status -l toot.service
● toot.service - Toots that the system is back up
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/toot.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
Active: inactive (dead) since Mon 2022-11-21 14:24:52 EST; 19s ago
Process: 2622 ExecStart=/root/ (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Main PID: 2622 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Nov 21 14:24:51 systemd[1]: Started Toots that the system is back up.
Nov 21 14:24:52[2622]: Toot posted:
ssh gateway
To be safer you should really create a toot user. As root run
adduser toot
passwd toot
mkdir -p ~toot/.config/toot
chown -R toot.toot ~toot/.config
chmod -R 700 ~toot/.config
cp /root/.config/toot/config.json ~toot/.config/toot
chown -R toot.toot ~toot/.config/toot/config.json
chmod 600 ~toot/.config/toot/config.json
su - toot
Note you are now acting as user toot.
Create a simple post script. This example is as basic as it gets you can be way more fancy.
toot post "$*" 2>&1 | tee -a /var/log/toots.log
chmod 755
You might want a quick test like
~toot/ ssh gateway test
Note no double quotes. The script deals with that which we will need for the next bit.
Using the ssh gateway.
For the examples below I'm using the gateway IP address of Replace it with yours.
Login to the PC you want to "toot" from.
Open a command / terminal window and change to the folder you want the toot files in.
Generate a key with
ssh-keygen -q -f toot_rsa
Take defaults / just press ENTER at each prompt.
Note this is creating a private key file we can use separately from default so it does not need a password on it.
Now we want to give the server the public copy so in future they will know it is us. It creates the .ssh folder if need be.
cat | ssh toot@ -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no "umask 077; test -d .ssh || mkdir .ssh ; cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys" || exit 1
It will ask you for the password to connect but you will not need to again. You can test this with
ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i ./toot_rsa toot@
or if you just want to go for it
ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i ./toot_rsa toot@ ./ ssh gateway test from client
toot and RSS feed
Lastly we can use this setup to toot an RSS feed.
Install feedexec back on the gateway server as user toot.
pip3 install feed2exec
Note you may need to install some dependencies as well. I needed to install these too.
pip3 install sqlite3 sqlite pysqlite
Test with
feed2exec parse --output echo --args '{item.title}'
If that works, create the file ~/.config/feed2exec.ini
vi ~/.config/feed2exec.ini
url =
output = feed2exec.plugins.exec
args = /home/ {item.title}. For details see {}